
Best recipes

Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you some of the most traditional recipes in my country that I really like. Therefore, I invite you to when you visit the Basque Country try these incredible wonders!!! In order to facilitate your visit, I will indicate the most suitable restaurant to taste these dishes. The beans from Tolosa They are usually eaten with cabbage, black pudding and chili peppers from Ibarra. The identification of the term 'Tolosa' does not come because its production is carried out exclusively in Tolosa and its region, but by the tradition of the market that is celebrated in that town since 1256.   Therefore, the best place to eat these beans is in Tolosa, and I’d recommend you the Fronton restaurant in Tolosa as they were the first to include the beans as a specialty of the menu to offer them throughout the year.    Marmitako It c onsists in a stew, usually of albacore of the north or ...